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Tuesday, March 30, 2010


"Are you still a virgin?" The very question might make you cower! Afterall, in many places a youth who is a virgin is likely to be viewed as a curiousity, an oddball. No wonder so many young people have sex before they're out of their teens!


Even as a christian, you find it hard to control your sexual urges. "Attimes, thoughts about sex enter my mind without any apparent cause or reason," admits a young man named Jose. Be assured that to a large extent, such feelings are normal.
However, being the victim of unrelenting teasing and harassment for being a virgin is no fun at all! For instance, what if your peers tells you that you're not a real man or woman unless you've had sex? Your peers make sex seem exciting and normal,"says Ella. "If you,re sleeping around, you're classed as weird."
But there's a side to premarital sex that your peers may not talk about. For example, Kay, who had sex with her boyfriend, recalls; "Afterwards i felt embarassed and ashamed. I hated myself and i hated my boyfriend." Such experiences are more typical than most youths realize. In reality, premarital sex is often an emotional painful experience with devastating consequences!
However, a youth named Caro asks, "why would God give young people sexual desires, knowing that they should not use them until after marriage?" Thats a good question. BUT consider the following..


Not at all. Jehovah God created you with the capacity to feel a wide range of desires and emotions. Do you have to act on each impulse the instant that it wells up inside you? No, for God also made you with the ability to control your actions.
What's the lesson, then? You may not be able to keep certain desires from arising, but you can control your reaction to them. Really, to act upon every sexual urge would be as wrong and foolish as hitting someone each time you felt anger.
The fact is, God never intended for us to misuse our procreative powers. "Each one of you should know how to get possesion of his own vessel in sanctification and honor, "says the Bible. Just as there is a "time to love and a time to hate," there is also a time to act on sexual urges and a time to refrain from doing so. Ultimately you are in control of your desires!
Not at all. Jehovah God created you with the capacity to feel a wide range of desires and emotions. Do you have to act on each impulse the instant that it wells up inside you? No, for God also made you with the ability to control your actions.
What's the lesson, then? You may not be able to keep certain desires from arising, but you can control your reaction to them. Really, to act upon every sexual urge would be as wrong and foolish as hitting someone each time you felt anger.
The fact is, God never intended for us to misuse our procreative powers. "Each one of you should know how to get possesion of his own vessel in sanctification and honor, "says the Bible. Just as there is a "time to love and a time to hate," there is also a time to act on sexual urges and a time to refrain from doing so. Ultimately you are in control of your desires!

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